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5 Rupees Old Note Sell: आपके पास 5 रुपये का टेक्टर  वाला नोट है तो आपको बनाएगा पलभर में करोडपति, जाने पूरी जानकारी   

Agro Rajasthan Desk, New Delhi: आज के दौर में पुराने नोट व सिक्को का व्यापार चरम सीमा पर है. क्योकि कुछ लोग इनका व्यापार कर के मोटा पैसा भी कमा रहे है.

आज के टाइम में हर कोई अपने लिए अधिक से अधिक कमाई करना चाहता है, जिससे मार्केट में ऐसे कई कमाई करने के तरीके जो कुछ ही समय में ही अमीर बना देतें हैं, जिससे से इन दिनों मार्केट में पलभर में कमाई करने तरीका चल रहा वो है पहले कि दुर्लभ नोट या सिक्कों को घर बैठे सेल किया जाए।

बता दें कि दुनियाभर के बाजार में पुराने सिक्कों और नोटों का चलन खत्म होता जा रहा है। जिससे खास और युनिक खासियत वाले नोट और सिक्कों की मार्केट में भारी मांग है, लोग इन पुराने सिक्कों को खरीदने के लिए लाखों रुपये दे रहे हैं। लोग अपने पास में हर हालात में रखना चाहते है। जिससे घर में पैसे की कमी ना आए, यही वजह है जो लाखों लोगों के कमाई करने द्धार खोल दिए है।

मार्केट में  eBay या Coinbazzar.com जैसी कई वेबसाइट हैं जो मार्केट में  Old coins & Notes को बेचने और नीलामी का काम कर रही है। तो चलिए कौन से ऐसे नोट हैं जो मार्केट में सेल किए जा सकते हैं इनकी खासियत क्या आइए जानतें हैं।

मार्केट में इन नोटों की है भारी डिमांड

मार्केट में 25 पैसे, ₹1 का सिक्का, ₹2 का सिक्का, ₹5 का सिक्का या ₹10 के  500 और 1000 के नोटों की बाजार में भारी मांग है। अगर आपके पास इनमें से पुराने नोटों और  सिक्के हैं, तो ऑनलाइन सेल कर सकते हैं।

देखें इन नोटों की कीमत

ब्रिटिश शासन काल के एक रूपये के सिक्का करीब ₹10 करोड़ में बिक रहा है।
19वीं सदी के 10 पैसे के लिए आपको करीब 20 लाख रुपए मिल सकते हैं।
वहीं 19वीं सदी के 25 पैसे आपको लगभग ₹10 लाख रुपये मिल सकते हैं।
19 वीं सदी का 50 पैसे से आप ₹5 लाख तक मिल सकते हैं।
वहीं एक और ₹2 के कीमत वाले सिक्के आपको ₹5 लाख तक मिल सकते हैं।
ऐसे सेल करें Old coins & Notes

 सबसे पहले आप ही eBay या Coinbazzar.com की वेबसाइट पर जाए।
यहां पर जाकर  अपना अकाउंट बनाएं।
 पुराने नोट या सिक्कों की फोटो और खासियत को वेबसाइट पर अपलोड कर दें
इसके बाद वेबसाइट आप को इस नोट या सिक्के को लोगो को दिखाएगी।
जिस किसी को भी ये सिक्का या नोट खरीदना होगा, वह आपसे संपर्क कर लेगा।

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Alpesh Khokhar

Alpesh Khokhar

🚀 Founder of JaneRajasthan 🌟 Passionate about Culture & Rural Development 🌾 Bringing you the latest updates in the world of Rajasthan 🌿 Committed to sustainable growth and community empowerment 📍 Based in the heart of Rajasthan, India 🇮🇳

23 thoughts on “5 Rupees Old Note Sell: आपके पास 5 रुपये का टेक्टर  वाला नोट है तो आपको बनाएगा पलभर में करोडपति, जाने पूरी जानकारी   ”

  1. Hello,

    Wondering if you accept guest posts or link inserts on existing posts on agrorajasthan.com?

    How much would you charge for this?


  2. Hello agrorajasthan.com,

    I would like to discuss SEO!

    I can assist in optimizing your website to reach the first page of Google, thereby increasing the leads and sales generated from your site.

    Note: I would be pleased to provide you with “Quotes,” “Proposals,” details of past work, “Our Packages,” and “Offers”!

    Bests Regards,
    K Paul | Lets Get You Optimize
    Sr SEO consultant
    Phone No: +1 (949) 508-0277

    If you don’t want me to contact you again about this, reply with “unsubscribe”

  3. Hi agrorajasthan.com,

    I hope you are doing great!

    I was going through your website on behalf of this email. It has a good design and it looks great, but it’s not ranking in top on Google and other major search engines.

    I’m an SEO Expert and I helped over 250 businesses rank on the (1st Page on Google). My rates are very affordable.

    Note: – We will be more than happy to send you “Proposal” and “Pricing”.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Kush S
    Sr SEO consultant
    Ph. No: 1 469-663-1569

    If you don’t want me to contact you again about this, reply with “opt-out”

  4. Hi agrorajasthan.com,

    I hope you are doing great!

    I was going through your website on behalf of this email. It has a good design and it looks great, but it’s not ranking in top on Google and other major search engines.

    I’m an SEO Expert and I helped over 250 businesses rank on the (1st Page on Google). My rates are very affordable.

    I’d be happy to discuss SEO services in greater detail with you; we can work together. Drop your best number to reach.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Kush S
    Sr SEO consultant
    Ph. No: 1 469-663-1569

    If you don’t want me to contact you again about this, reply with “opt-out”

  5. Hi [agrorajasthan.com],

    I was checking your website and find out you have a good design and it looks great, but it’s not ranking on Google and other major search engines.

    We can place your website on Google’s 1st page. Yahoo, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest etc.).

    Interested? Please provide your name, contact information, and email.

    Thank you,
    Georgia – (Sr SEO consultant)
    Call: +1 (917) 310-3348

    Note: – If you’re not Interested in our Services, please send us unsubscribe in.

  6. Hi [agrorajasthan.com],

    I was checking your website and find out you have a good design and it looks great, but it’s not ranking on Google and other major search engines.

    We can place your website on Google’s 1st page. Yahoo, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest etc.).

    I can send you more details on the packages/Portfolio/past work details.

    Thank you,
    Georgia – (Sr SEO consultant)
    Call: +1 (917) 310-3348

    Note: – If you’re not Interested in our Services, please send us unsubscribe in.

  7. Hello team,

    I was going through your website & I personally see a lot of potential in your website & business.

    We can increase targeted traffic to your website so that it appears on Google’s first page. Bing, Yahoo, AOL, etc.

    Please provide your name, contact information, and email.

    Well wishes,
    Mani J | Sr SEO consultant

    If you’re not Interested in our Services, please send us “NO Thank You”.


  8. Hi,

    I was just browsing your website and I came up with a great plan to re-develop your website using the latest technology to generate additional revenue and beat your opponents.

    I’m an excellent web developer capable of almost anything you can come up with, and my costs are affordable for nearly everyone.

    I would be happy to send you “Quotes”, “Proposal” Past work Details, “Our Packages”, and “Offers”!

    Thanks in advance,
    Nishant (Business Development Executive)

    Your Website : agrorajasthan.com

  9. Hi,

    I was just browsing your website and I came up with a great plan to re-develop your website using the latest technology to generate additional revenue and beat your opponents.

    I’m an excellent web developer capable of almost anything you can come up with, and my costs are affordable for nearly everyone.

    I would be happy to send you “Quotes”, “Proposal” Past work Details, “Our Packages”, and “Offers”!

    Thanks in advance,
    Lucy (Business Development Executive)

    Your Website : agrorajasthan.com

  10. Hi agrorajasthan.com,

    I hope you are doing good!

    I was going through your website on behalf of this email. It has a good design and it looks awesome, but it’s not ranking in top on Google and other major search engines.

    I’m an SEO Expert and I helped over 250 businesses rank on the (1st Page on Google). My charges are very compatible.

    To enhance your website’s visibility and ranking, consider implementing strategies such as improving on-site SEO, adding LSI keywords, monitoring technical SEO, aligning content with search intent, reducing bounce time, targeting additional keywords, publishing high-quality content.

    I would be happy to send you “charges”, “Proposal” Past work Details, “Our Packages”, and take Complete Responsibility for improving your Presence etc.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Kush S
    Sr SEO consultant
    Ph. No: 1 469-663-1569

    If you don’t want me to contact you again about this, reply with “opt-out”

  11. Hey,

    As I can see you have a newly launched website (agrorajasthan.com)!

    “Get you website optimized/ SEO setup/ Search engine friendly in one-time setup cost!”

    If interested, just hit “Reply”.

    Amit Sharma | Sr Business Developer
    WhatsApp – +1 213 262 0124

  12. Hey agrorajasthan.com,

    While exploring your website, I devised an innovative plan to revamp it with cutting-edge technology, aiming to increase revenue and gain a competitive edge.

    I am a skilled web developer able to tackle nearly any challenge you present, offering services at prices accessible to most.

    I am pleased to provide you with “Quotes,” “Proposals,” details of past work, “Our Packages,” and “Offers”!

    Thanks in advance,
    Sam Morris (Business Development Executive)

  13. Hello,

    I just wanted to know if you require a better solution to manage SEO, SMO, SMM, PPC Campaigns, keyword research, Reporting etc. We are a leading Digital Marketing Agency, offering marketing solutions at affordable prices.

    We can manage all as we have a 150+ expert team of professionals and help you save a hefty amount on hiring resources.

    Interested? Do write back to me, I’d love to chat.

    If you are interested, then we can send you our past work details, client testimonials, price list and an affordable quotation with the best offer.

    Well wishes,
    Mani J | Sr SEO consultant

    If you’re not Interested in our Services, please send us “NO Thank You”.


  14. Hey agrorajasthan.com,

    I was looking at your website and realized that despite having a good design; it was not ranking high on any of the Search Engines (Google, Yahoo & Bing) for most of the keywords related to your business.

    We can place your website on Google’s 1st page.

    ? Top ranking on Google search!
    ? Improve website clicks and views!
    ? Increase Your Leads, clients & Revenue!

    If you are interested, I will send you our SEO Packages and Cost.

    Well wishes,
    Greg Di Bruno
    Senior Services Consultant – Let’s Get You Optimize
    Email: info@letsgetuoptimize.com
    Phone: (267) 972-1898

    If you don’t want me to contact you again about this, reply with “unsubscribe”

  15. Hey agrorajasthan.com,

    I was looking at your website and realized that despite having a good design; it was not ranking high on any of the Search Engines (Google, Yahoo & Bing) for most of the keywords related to your business.

    We can place your website on Google’s 1st page.

    ? Top ranking on Google search!
    ? Improve website clicks and views!
    ? Increase Your Leads, clients & Revenue!

    Note: – We will be more than happy to send you “Proposal” and “Pricing”.

    Well wishes,
    Greg Di Bruno
    Senior Services Consultant – Let’s Get You Optimize
    Email: info@letsgetuoptimize.com
    Phone: (267) 972-1898

    If you don’t want me to contact you again about this, reply with “unsubscribe”

  16. Hey agrorajasthan.com,

    I was looking at your website and realized that despite having a good design; it was not ranking high on any of the Search Engines (Google, Yahoo & Bing) for most of the keywords related to your business.

    We can place your website on Google’s 1st page.

    ? Top ranking on Google search!
    ? Improve website clicks and views!
    ? Increase Your Leads, clients & Revenue!

    I’d love to talk a more about SEO Service for your business, we can collaborate — A phone call, or WhatsApp number for further discussion.

    Well wishes,
    Greg Di Bruno
    Senior Services Consultant – Let’s Get You Optimize
    Email: info@letsgetuoptimize.com
    Phone: (267) 972-1898

    If you don’t want me to contact you again about this, reply with “unsubscribe”

  17. Hey team agrorajasthan.com,

    I was looking at your website and realized that despite having a good design; it was not ranking high on any of the Search Engines (Google, Yahoo & Bing) for most of the keywords related to your business.

    We can place your website on Google’s 1st page.

    * Top ranking on Google search!
    * Improve website clicks and views!
    * Increase Your Leads, clients & Revenue!

    If you are interested, I will send you our SEO Packages and Cost.

    Well wishes,
    Greg Di Bruno
    Senior Services Consultant – Let’s Get You Optimize
    Email: info@letsgetuoptimize.com
    Phone: (267) 972-1898

    If you don’t want me to contact you again about this, reply with “unsubscribe”

  18. Hey team agrorajasthan.com,

    I was looking at your website and realized that despite having a good design; it was not ranking high on any of the Search Engines (Google, Yahoo & Bing) for most of the keywords related to your business.

    We can place your website on Google’s 1st page.

    * Top ranking on Google search!
    * Improve website clicks and views!
    * Increase Your Leads, clients & Revenue!

    I’d be happy to discuss SEO services in greater detail with you; we can work together. Drop your best number to reach.

    Well wishes,
    Greg Di Bruno
    Senior Services Consultant – Let’s Get You Optimize
    Email: info@letsgetuoptimize.com
    Phone: (267) 972-1898

    If you don’t want me to contact you again about this, reply with “unsubscribe”

  19. Hey team agrorajasthan.com,

    I was looking at your website and realized that despite having a good design; it was not ranking high on any of the Search Engines (Google, Yahoo & Bing) for most of the keywords related to your business.

    We can place your website on Google’s 1st page.

    * Top ranking on Google search!
    * Improve website clicks and views!
    * Increase Your Leads, clients & Revenue!

    I can send you more details on the packages/Portfolio/past work details.

    Well wishes,
    Greg Di Bruno
    Senior Services Consultant – Let’s Get You Optimize
    Email: info@letsgetuoptimize.com
    Phone: (267) 972-1898

    If you don’t want me to contact you again about this, reply with “unsubscribe”

  20. Hello there,

    Your website’s design is absolutely brilliant. The visuals really enhance your message and the content compels action. I’ve forwarded it to a few of my contacts who I think could benefit from your services.

    When I was looking at your site “www.agrorajasthan.com”, though, I noticed some mistakes that you’ve made re: search engine optimization (SEO) which may be leading to a decline in your organic SEO results.

    Would you like to fix it so that you can get maximum exposure/presence on Google, Bing, Yahoo and web traffic to your website?

    If this is something you are interested in, then allow me to send you a No Obligation Audit Report for your review. We will fix those errors with no extra cost if you choose any one of our monthly marketing plans.

    Have a nice day!

    Nitin Chaudhary | International Project Manager
    Email:- sales@rankinghat.co
    Contact Number:- +1- (209) 813-5119

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  22. Hi,

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    feel free to reach out.

  23. Greetings of the day! 

    I was reviewing your website “www.agrorajasthan.com” and would like to know if you are looking for any website re-design or revamp. 

    We are experienced developers and have expertise to design & develop a professional website for the end user or customer service. 

    Please let me know if you are interested and looking for a website or maybe a web software for your business.

    Warm regards,
    Sam Morris (Web Solution Manager)

    If you don’t want me to contact you again about this, reply with “Opt-Out”


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